How seeing a physio can help people with MS

2 minutes read

MS or Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological chronic illness affecting many people around the world. It has no cure as of now, just ways to manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for the person with the condition. One of the things that can help is exercise physiology which you can receive should you see a physio Mount Hawthorn, or where you are. Here is a look at how it can help MS patients.


Improving energy and lowering issues of fatigue

One of the most common issues someone with MS faces is low energy level and fatigue. While motivation is hard to build to get moving, exercise can improve energy and ease fatigue. A physio can help with exercise and movements that can help with muscle efficiency, improve cardiovascular function, improve oxygen use and these increase stamina and lower fatigue.


Helping with cognitive performance

Seeing a physio Floreat can also help someone with MS in terms of their brain activity and cognitive function. Physical activity, on a regular basis, helps stimulate new neurons to grow, improves connectivity and boosts cognitive performance. It can also help improve attention span, how fast information is processed, and improve memory, all of which improve cognitive problems related to MS.


Helps to improve physical ability

There is a range of physical ability areas where regular exercise and targeted work can help. Not just with muscle strength but also with balance issues, and improving flexibility. This means people with MS have better mobility, better coordination and a reduced risk of falling. They can then carry out daily tasks a lot easier.


Has MS modifying effects

It is not a cure but exercise physiology can help modify the effects MS has on a person. It increases BDNF being produced, helps neurons grow and survive, lowers inflammation, and improves the immune system and metabolic health. It potentially reduces how bad and how often relapses happen and slows to varying degrees the progression of MS.


Boosts mental well-being and mood

One of the things most people with MS struggle with apart from the physical aspects is the toll it takes on their mental well-being. People suffer from mood swings, stress, depression and more. Seeing a physio Mount Hawthorn can help manage these things and it is well-known that activity helps release mood enhancers like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. People with MS who have regular exercise have a better sense of well-being.



Seeing a physio Floreat or one local to you if you have MS, can help in a number of ways. You can improve physically, have better cognitive performance, improve your mental health and moods and reduce feelings of stress and fatigue. There is also the potential for some that it could slow the progress of the disease. Talk to a professional and they can help with an exercise program that works best for you, suiting your abilities and better meeting your personal needs. They can also help with exercise you can do at home to continue the benefits.


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