Clearing out - Help with identifying what is garbage and what is golden

3 minutes read

Just because you have items you no longer want to hang onto does not mean all of it is worthless. Things you might not be able to fix or use can still be of use to other people. The first thing you need to do before you call in a garbage removal company Toms River or where you are, is work out whether you are keeping or getting rid of those things. Here are some questions to ask as you clean and declutter to help you work out what to do with it all.


Does it have any sentimental value?

If it is an item much cherished that has been passed down or something that reminds you of a loved one, or a special time, then that might mean it has enough emotional value to hold onto it. Just consider where you are keeping it if it is something you love that much.


Is it something you have used recently?

One of the things people suggest when you are reorganizing your home is to consider whether it is something you have used in the last six months. If it has been longer than that then consider getting rid of it, either donating it, recycling it or calling in a garbage removal company Lakewood.


Is it valuable enough to hold onto in case you need some cash one day?

Sometimes we own or get left items that are not that sentimental but have some monetary value. You could choose to sell it now or hold onto it for a rainy day.


Are there better models or versions now available?

While it is completely true for technology, it works for other things too. If you have a mixer that is older than 5 years and there is a newer model, or you might even have the newer one already, do you need the older one as well?


Do you have limited space?

Often letting things build up in the home can cause a lot of clutter and make it hard to move around, find things, and use rooms. Call in a garbage removal company Toms River and then you can clear out the spare room and use it as that, or as an office or as something else.


Is it something someone else could use?

You might not want that set of glassware anymore but others might be able to use it. Almost everything you own might be something that someone else can use or recycle. Donate to charity shops, and organizations, post on local sites and so on.



When you know whether something is garbage for the garbage removal company Lakewood or something you can sell or give away, you can start to sort through everything. Start in one room and work your way around. Try to avoid holding onto too many things. Certain items will need special care with removal so keep that in mind. Some appliances, for example, certain liquids and paints also. Anything that cannot be sold or donated check out to ensure it is recycled where possible.


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